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Elk Grove Unified School District understands the important function of developing and maintaining education policy. Policies guide school boards and district staff in making important decisions on education matters.

Immigration Protection

All students have the right to a free public education, regardless of immigration status or religious beliefs.


In an effort to stop bullying from happening, Elk Grove Unified has developed strategies for addressing bullying in all of its forms in district schools with the involvement of students, parents/guardians and staff. In an effort to reduce suicidal behavior and its impact on students and families, Elk Grove Unified has developed measures and strategies for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.

District Handbook

The EGUSD Parent and Student Handbook is an annual publication containing updated information relevant to the families of Elk Grove Unified. The Parent and Student Handbook outlines our expectations, our culture, and provides information to help families understand our District policies and procedures.
  • Code of Conduct (page 83)
  • Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Policies (page 83)
  • Parent/Guardian Rights and Responsibilities (page 89)
  • School Safety (page 87)
  • Services for Students (page 21)

Educational Equity

The Elk Grove Unified School District believes that equity is a fundamental component to student success.

Safety Information

Safety is always a top priority at the Elk Grove Unified School District. The district emphasizes keeping students safe at school through strict behavior standards, closed campuses, school resource officers, campus supervisors, and activities that keep students participating in school.

Family & Community Engagement

Elk Grove Unified School District believes that family and community engagement is a fundamental component to student success and achievement.

Behavioral Health and Counseling Services

Elk Grove Unified schools have implemented positive behavior support plans to eliminate or reduce high risk behaviors, bullying and stress at the school sites with the aim of ensuring the safety and well-being of students through a comprehensive plan that offers psychological and other counseling services, as well as strategies to educate students, parents and staff about how to live a healthy lifestyle.

English Learners

The Department of English Learner Services employs committed, motivated and knowledgeable staff who assist schools, the district, and parents with understanding and implementing programs and policies that support EL students and their families.

Foster Youth Services

The Elk Grove Unified School District’s Foster Youth Services (FYS) Program strives to address the unique educational needs of youth in foster care by working collaboratively with youth, caregivers, schools, placement agencies, and other service providers.

Homeless Education Services

Homeless Education (Project ACT- Assisting Children in Transition) is part of the EGUSD Regional Student Support Centers.