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AVID  provides rigorous, sequential curriculum materials and extensive professional development to teams of teachers at participating schools. AVID provides its “Write Path” curriculum materials and professional development in the following areas: English Language Arts, Mathematics, History/Social Studies, Science, English Language Learners (ELL), and Tutorial Support.
“AVID Methodology” is not about changing curriculum – it is about allowing students access to a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, and providing professional development to support vertical teams of teachers. The teaching methodologies most effective in this quest (WICOR) include: Writing as a Tool for Learning, Emphasis on Inquiry, Collaborative Learning, Organization and Reading to Learn.
BECAUSE . . . . . .
AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a program designed to give the necessary support to students, particularly those in the academic middle, so that they can attend college and achieve their fullest potential. It also serves to level the playing field for minority and low-income students, as well as students who may be the first in their families to potentially attend college.
  • The AVID program serves to support its students by teaching and reinforcing study and organizational skills (Cornell note-taking, 3-ring binder with labeled dividers, etc.), encouraging students to take more rigorous and challenging classes, providing skills necessary to succeed in college (public speaking, team building skills, interaction with professors, etc.), and ultimately preparing them for success at a four-year university/college.
  • AVID students have skilled tutors, often college students studying to be teachers or studying one of the major subject areas, to help them with their studies. Students are taken on field trips to local colleges and universities throughout the program to familiarize them with some options.
  • The projects planned are rich in content, cooperative learning, and applications that simulate "the real world" after high school.
  • Community service is advocated throughout the program; students are expected to be active members of their community.
  • This program helps these students to excel and consider all of their options.
  • Students are given the resources to help them apply for scholarships and grants and to colleges and universities of their interest.
  • AVID is not a "remedial education" program; instead it is a program designed to provide whatever support may be lacking for at-risk students who possess academic potential, but who may not be working to the best of their abilities. (This program will require a writing about obstacles and an interview.)
Gonzales, Taylor     Teacher
Mar, Cynthia            Teacher